Want to raise your close rate?
Make your closes a little easier and not so stressful?
This has to be one of the most underused closing techniques in my opinion. Yet, it is one of the most effective. And it has been used forever in the auto sales game. Ever seen one of these?
This is known as the 4 SQUARE
This is the automotive industry’s version of the “If I Can, Can We? Close.
They sit you down and offer you water or coffee, etc. The REASON for this is not usually hospitality. It would be “Reciprocity”
Definition: “the practice of exchanging things with others for mutual benefit.”
They give you something, water, coffee, BBQ hotdogs, whatever, and you in turn, subconsciously feel you’re obligated to give back. To feel polite.
I suggest any business that has potential customers that come in to visit your location, do the same.
Home Depot and Lowes offer coffee in the morning at the contractor’s desk.
Realtors (during their Open House) may have a plate of cookies (hopefully that they just baked fresh) on the counter.
So, the car sales rep asks you, how much can you put down? How much a month can you afford? The numbers given will ALWAYS be too low. But the real point here is, the rep is asking you, “If my manager agrees to your down payment and monthly payment, but I’m not saying he will, would you buy the car TODAY? (as you’re munching on the free lunch they just gave your whole family…)
I have seen far too many reps, (both in role-playing and in actual selling circumstances) “Fetch” for their customer.
Examples of fetching:
What is your best price?
Rep: “Well let me check.”
How soon can I get delivery?
Rep: “I’ll find out and be right back.”
Will this product have all the features I need?
Rep: “I’ll ask my manager.”
You quote them $1,999. They say, ask your manager if they’ll sell it for $1,500.
To which the rep responds, “OK. I’ll be right back.” WOW.
So the rep comes back and says, “Yes we can.” At which point the prospect says, “OK Thanks. I’ll let you know in a couple of days.”
To which the rep again responds, “OK. Talk to you then.”
Often, no further contact happens. Phone calls are not answered nor returned, and the rep grows old sitting alone next to the “Be Back Phone” that never rings…SAD
Shake off that sad, sad story and let’s get to business.
The concept behind this close is that it allows you to GET a commitment from the prospect, without GIVING one beforehand!
It is to be used only when you have completed your discovery, they have landed on whatever it is that you intend to sell them, you have done your “Trial Closes” and there are no further objections.
This close is also referred to as the “Higher Authority Close” as it relies on someone above your paygrade to make the decision to approve the terms, pricing, whatever it is, for you. It insulates YOU from becoming the “Bad Guy” in this dance.
Here is a basic example showing you the FRAMEWORK or STRUCTURE of this close. You will need to modify it to fit your program.
You have just quoted them $23,899 for a houseful of new replacement windows and patio doors.
So, Mr. & Mrs. Customer, the total for all the brand new, high efficiency, Low E patio doors and windows that you both said you’d like and you need, is just $23,899. Will you be taking advantage of our great financing or using your Credit Card to get the points and miles? To which they respond, “Sorry Chris, but that’s WAY more than we were hoping to spend.”
You reply, “How much too much more is it?”
“I don’t know.” “That’s OK, but if you did know, how much too much would it be?” Trust me, I myself was surprised at just how often the customer would then respond with a number!
“Well, we were thinking of more around $20,000. Can you do that?” they inquire. To which you respond, “Well, that’s already our sale pricing. I could get there if we take out the Patio Door. Would that work?” (The Take-Away Close).
“No, we really love the look of that new one.”
“Well, $20,000 is FAR lower than I could go, and I’m not saying my manager would, BUT IF HE COULD GET TO THERE, COULD WE GO AHEAD AND GET YOUR PROJECT STARTED TODAY?”
If they say NO, well, you may have missed an objection. And to go ahead and ask your manager would be fruitless at this point, and very well may tick them off.
If they say yes, see what your manager WILL approve and start all over again.
The comeback is usually something like, “Great news guys, $20,000 is just too far under our already low sale price, but I was able to get the whole package that you want for only $22,648. Now that’ll work for you, won’t it?”
EVERY time you have to go back to a manager, it needs to be with a commitment. Every time. Role-play. Practice. Get smooth with it.
You can do it!
Sales a la Carte – Just the help you need, and nothing you don’t.